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    Patient Nutrition EHR Management

    Developed an EHR (electronic health record) management app and published on George Tech Hdap server. Malnutrition occurs in approximately 3% of all adult hospital inpatient stays (Weiss 2016), and the American Health & Drug Benefits reported savings of more than $4.8 million by reducing hospital readmission and shortening total inpatient stays through the implementation of a nutrition care program (Bresnick 2017). This app aims at providing not only improved healthcare through balanced diets and appropriate meal recommendations, but also savings through reduced medical costs and better overall quality of patient care.

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    Angular Stock

    Added a JavaScript MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS and Node.js ) app.

    The MongoDB, Express.js and Node.js back end provides RESTful API and is managed by PM2. The Angular front end is built and deployed to Apache2 on AWS Ubuntu 18.04 (AngularStock).

  • Progress

    Data Warehouse

    Finished the data warehouse project from designing the database schema to implement the front end UI. Raw data is imported into MySQL database and processed with PHP. UI is coded with HTML/CSS/JavaScript. This app is deployed to LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP ) stack on AWS ubuntu 18.04.

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    SpringBoot_SSM Stock

    Added a Java SpringBoot_SSM (Spring, Spring MVC, MyBatis) app to support editing the stock list function for Django Stock app. It reads/writes to the same MySQL database as Django Stock. Springboot_SSM Stock is deployed to tomcat9 on AWS ubuntu 18.04 (SpringBootSSM_Stock).

  • Progress

    Django Stock

    Built a Python Django app for analyzing fluctuation of stock price of interest.

    This app retrieves latest as well as historical stock information of a stock list utilizing YahooFinance API. This app is deployed to apache2 with wsgi on AWS ubuntu 18.04 (DjangoStock).

  • Progress

    Hex Game

    Developed a C++ hex game built with QT for Windows deposited on Github (HexGame). Place the “release” folder on your PC and double click HexGame.exe to play.

    AI uses Monte Carlo simulation to play hex game. 1000 trials are performed at each step.

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    Android Scrabble

    Built a simpler, faster game, with some similarities to Scrabble, but without the original Scrabble board. This game allows player to adjust the rules and view statistics for games played. ROOM is used for persistence.